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Our coffee blends list

What are the coffee blends?

Our Coffee blends Israel are suited best for people who want a well balanced cup of coffee, typically used for espresso machines, but nowadays also for Moka pots and filter lovers.
We try to combine a few different types of coffee beans in each blend, and the key point is that they harmonize with each other and not clash, for example nutty coffee will go well with chocolate coffee, and so on... 

Are coffee blends better?

Not always, coffee is a very subjective thing. Blend tend to make your coffee more smooth and complex with more flavours, while a single origin Ethiopian can be very much fruity and that much about it...

Which coffee blends have the most caffeine?

Our Italian Espresso blend - because it has a high pourcentage of robusta and French Roast. The rest of the blends are lower in caffeine and designed by us to bring complementary flavours. Our Bogota and Indimoka blends have the lowest percentage of caffeine.

What is the difference in coffee blends?

Indimoka blend - gentle, nutty and chocolaty.
San Jose blend - smooth and balanced and cacao notes.
La Paz blend - earthy base, spicy  and herby notes.
Bogota blend - rich, citrusy, nutty & fruity.
Medan blend - full-body rich, heavy, chocolate-syrupy.
Addis Ababa blend - fruity, sweet and earthy.
Milano blend - creamy, earthy and bitter.
Italian Espresso blend - strong, astringent, dry, bitter, creamy.
Rio blend - balanced, earthy, citrusy notes.
Morning Espresso blend - creamy, chocolaty and smokey.

Where to buy coffee blends in Israel?

Our coffee blends are very well balanced and there is a big variety to match the taste of all! Our blends are freshly roasted and we took much seriousness in picking which coffees make the best match to bring you the best coffee in Jerusalem!

More About coffee blends

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